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4 Days safari to Ngororongoro, Lake Manyara & Tarangire

前往恩戈罗罗恩戈罗、曼雅拉湖和塔兰吉雷的 4 天野生动物园之旅


这次旅行在坦桑尼亚开始和结束,让旅行者有机会参观坦桑尼亚的三个主要国家公园,其中包括恩戈罗恩戈罗保护区,这是一个保护区和联合国教科文组织世界遗产,距离阿鲁沙 180 公里,拥有恩戈罗恩戈罗火山口作为它的主要旅游景点。该公园以黑犀牛、河马、海角水牛、普通大羚羊、蓝角马、羚羊、托皮斯、鳄鱼、黑斑羚和非洲豹而闻名。同样的野生动物园还将带您前往坦桑尼亚最大的公园之一塔兰吉雷国家公园,它位于曼雅拉湖的西南部,占地 2850 公里。它的景观被猴面包树、高草和茂密的灌木丛所覆盖。该公园还以大象、羚羊、角马、长颈鹿、橄榄狒狒以及猴面包树爬树狮子而闻名。曼雅拉湖国家公园也是游览的一部分,曼雅拉湖国家公园是位于东非大裂谷脚下巨大而浅水苏打湖的公园中位置最引人注目的公园。这次坦桑尼亚野生动物园之旅还将带您前往塔兰吉雷国家公园,那里拥有坦桑尼亚一些最伟大的野生动物。


Tour highlights

Day 1: Transfer to Tarangire National Park
Day 2: Transfer to Lake Manyara National park
Day 3: Transfer to Ngorongoro carter
Day 4: enjoy hunting with the Bushmen & have a cultural tour at Oldonyo Sambu Maasai Village

 Day 1: Transfer To Tarangire National Park

Have breakfast and after start your transfer to Tarangire National Park for a full day game drive within the park, this national park has got diverse landscape with over 9 vegetation zones. Its landscape is mostly covered by the Ancient Baobab trees which are the largest in Africa. River Tarangire occupies most of the park attracts an abundance of wildlife like elephants, leopards, lions, buffalos, zebras, antelopes, giraffes, as well as birds. It’s also very famous for the greatest population of Elephants in Tanzania. Have a picnic lunch inside the park while viewing animals’ drinking water in the river. After you will continue with game viewing and return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.



Mid-range: Kuro Tarangire Lodge

Day 2: Transfer To Lake Manyara National Park

Have breakfast at the lodge/camp so early in the morning, after drive across the Great Rift Valley towards Lake Manyara National Park for a full-day game drive. This park is about 205sq miles and it’s mostly noted for its unique beauty with the acacia forest of the giant fig as well as mahogany trees. These trees are home to the large numbers of baboons as well as the blue monkeys. The other animal species in this park include; giraffes, buffalos, impalas, elephants, hippos as well as 400 different bird species including; the ground hornbill and the crested Eagle. Lake Manyara national park is also famous for the tree climbing lions and the flamingos along the lake shores. The park’s land scape is greatly stunning with game drives done along the shores of the lake, which provides beautiful views of the other animal species including the giraffes as well as the buffalos and the flamingos. Later, in the afternoon, return to the lodge for an overnight.



Mid-range: Kirurumu tented lodge

Day 3: Transfer To Ngorongoro Carter

After the breakfast, the guide will drive you to the main natural wonder known as the Ngorongoro crater. It has walls of about 2,000 ft high and its crater floor spreads for about 102 sq miles. The crater is inhabited by many animal species including; the rare black Rhinos, elephants, as well as the birds. It also contains a river, swamps, a soda lake on top which is also filled with flamingos plus a forest with open plains. You will then descend down to the crater floor to view more wildlife like the hippos and birds. You will have a picnic lunch at the hippo lake and in the afternoon, drive up to the steep road and get out of the crater.



Mid-range: Ngorongoro Wildlife lodge

Day 4: Enjoy Hunting With The Bushmen & Have A Cultural Tour At Oldonyo Sambu Maasai Village

Early in the morning, hunt with the famous bush men who live near Lake Eyasi and have a visit Oldonyo Sambu Masai Village. This is also a masai village which is 40km from Arusha town and its considered to be the highlight of this safari. Here, you will be guided by the masai chief who will take you round and show how these masai people live, their style of cooking, taking care of the cattle, studying, dancing and many more. You will also get a chance to see the village women perform local traditional songs and dances. You will also get an opportunity of taking photos and in the evening, transfer to Arusha town for either a flight back home or an overnight.

END OF 4 days Tanzania Safari

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