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Image by Yoad Shejtman

Marangu Route in 6 Days

Marangu Route Kilimanjaro Climbing

6 Days Mount Kilimanjaro Marangu Route 

"Embark on the ultimate adventure with a 6-day Marangu Route climb up Mount Kilimanjaro. Unleash your inner explorer as you ascend Africa's highest peak, experiencing breathtaking landscapes and diverse ecosystems. Our expert guides ensure a safe and unforgettable journey, providing insight into the region's rich flora and fauna. Join us for an extraordinary trek, where every step brings you closer to the summit, and every moment is a memory etched against the backdrop of Kilimanjaro's majestic beauty. Discover the thrill of conquering the Marangu Route, a classic pathway to the Roof of Africa, and let the awe-inspiring vistas leave you with a sense of achievement that lasts a lifetime."

Marangu route which is also known as the coca cola route is the least expensive route to the summit. This is also the only route with the comforts of sleeping huts at every camp site with solar lights and comfortable beds.

The huts are communal, and the bunks have a sponge mattress and pillow.

There are 60 beds at both Mandara and Kibo Huts and 120 beds at Horombo Hut. Bathrooms and running water are available at the two lower huts. Mens’ and ladies’ latrines are available at the last camp but are very basic.

All climbing groups, often from several countries around the world, share meals in dining huts providing a jovial and energetic atmosphere.

This route is usually done in 5 days (shortest route to the summit) but can be done in 6 days for better acclimatization. The extra day can be spent resting at Horombo or climbing the small peak of Mawenzi.

Kilimanjaro Climbing Tours via Machame 路线行程

第 1 天:抵达和简报

抵达乞力马扎罗国际机场后,我们友好的团队将迎接您,并将您转移到您在莫希的酒店。 您将有时间休息并为攀登做准备,晚上,您将与导游会面,进行攀登前简报和装备检查。

第 2 天:前往 Machame Camp 的 Machame Gate

早餐后,我们将驱车前往 Machame Gate,开始穿越茂密的热带雨林。 步道陡峭且具有挑战性,但您会欣赏到周围景观的壮丽景色。 我们将在下午晚些时候到达 Machame 营地,我们将在那里安营扎寨并享用热腾腾的饭菜。

第 3 天:马切姆营地到希拉营地

今天,我们将爬得更高,在穿越荒原和沼泽地时将热带雨林抛在身后。 我们将穿过希拉高原的岩石景观,到达希拉营地,我们将在那里过夜。

第 4 天:希拉营地到熔岩塔到巴兰科营地

今天是充满挑战的一天,我们将登上海拔 4,630 米的熔岩塔。 这是在下降到巴兰科营地过夜之前适应海拔高度的绝佳机会。

第 5 天:Barranco 营地到 Karanga 营地到 Barafu 营地

今天,我们将挑战 Barranco Wall,这是一段陡峭的攀登路线,可以欣赏到壮丽的山景。 然后我们将下山到 Karanga 营地吃午餐,然后继续前往 Barafu 营地,我们将在那里过夜。

第 6 天:Barafu 营地到 Summit 到 Mweka 营地

今天是个大日子! 我们将在清晨开始我们的登顶尝试,使用头灯在陡峭的碎石斜坡上航行。 经过几个小时的攀登,我们将到达海拔 5,895 米的乞力马扎罗山最高点乌呼鲁峰。 当您从山顶欣赏壮丽的景色时,您会感到很有成就感。 然后我们将下降到 Mweka 营地,享受当之无愧的休息。

第 7 天:姆维卡营地到姆维卡门

在我们跋涉的最后一天,我们将穿过茂密的热带雨林到达姆维卡门,我们将在那里领取成就证书,然后返回莫希。 在第二天出发之前,您将有时间放松并庆祝您的成就。


在 Travel-Wise Safari,我们致力于为您提供难忘的乞力马扎罗山攀登体验。 以下是选择我们的几个理由:

经验丰富的导游:我们的导游知识渊博,经验丰富,对乞力马扎罗充满热情。 他们将确保您在整个跋涉过程中的安全和舒适。




准备通过 Machame 路线预订您的乞力马扎罗山攀登

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