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3 day tanzania safari from zanzibar

Safari de 3 días en Tanzania desde Zanzíbar

Safari de 3 días en Tanzania desde Zanzíbar

Este safari de 3 días en Tanzania desde Zanzíbar comienza y termina en la isla de Zanzíbar; y la opción perfecta para cualquiera que resida en la isla de las especias de Zanzíbar o para cualquiera que disfrute de unas vacaciones en la playa de Zanzíbar. Este safari de 3 días desde la isla de Zanzíbar es el mejor paquete que uno puede hacer como safari corto desde Zanzíbar si desea experimentar el verdadero safari de vida silvestre tradicional en el Circuito Norte y está interesado en los Cinco Grandes.

El tour de 3 días desde Zanzíbar es un gran paquete para todas las edades debido a las cortas distancias que implica porque los 3 parques que visitarás no se encuentran muy lejos unos de otros. Comenzando y terminando en el aeropuerto de Zanzíbar, el safari de 3 días desde Zanzíbar lo llevará a tres de los mejores parques del Circuito Norte, incluidos; el cráter del Ngorongoro (uno de los dos parques naturales más famosos de Tanzania), el parque nacional Tarangire y el parque nacional del lago Manyara, una pequeña joya de hoja perenne en su propia especie.

Itinerario del Safari de 3 días desde Zanzíbar | Safari de ida y vuelta desde Zanzíbar

Día 1: Vuelo de Zanzíbar a Arusha - Parque Nacional Tarangire

Día 2: Cráter del Ngorongoro

Día 3: Parque Nacional del Lago Manyara

Glimpse of what you will experience in this 3 Day tour starting from Zanzibar 

3 day safari from zanzibar quote

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Otro tour comienza desde Zanzíbar

5 Questions About 3-Day Tanzania Safaris From Zanzibar

What are the best parks to visit on a 3-day safari from Zanzibar?

"The top destinations for a 3-day safari from Zanzibar are Nyerere National Park (formerly Selous Game Reserve) and Mikumi National Park, both located in southern Tanzania. These parks are among the finest in East Africa.

You can often fly directly from Zanzibar to these parks, particularly to an airstrip near Nyerere's main eastern gate. Another cost-effective option is to fly to Dar es Salaam and drive to Saadani National Park, which is nearby on the coast.

Alternatively, you could opt for a fly-in safari to some of northern Tanzania's renowned parks such as Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara National Park, or Tarangire National Park."

Is the south or north of Tanzania better for a 3-day safari from Zanzibar?

"Most travelers on a 3-day safari from Zanzibar prefer parks in southern Tanzania, such as Nyerere or Mikumi National Parks, because they are quicker to reach, allowing more time for the actual safari experience. This is crucial when you only have three days.

Saadani National Park is another option. Although it may have less wildlife, its proximity to Zanzibar minimizes travel time.

Visiting northern parks on a 3-day safari is possible but involves more logistics. Typically, you'll need to fly from Zanzibar to Arusha and then take another flight to your chosen park, consuming more time."

Are three days enough for a safari from Zanzibar?

"A 3-day safari from Zanzibar is the minimum recommended duration to enjoy the experience fully. Typically, you'll fly from Zanzibar to the park on the first day, spend two nights there, and return on the third day. This schedule allows for at least four game drives or a combination of game drives and a boat excursion if visiting Nyerere National Park.

With three or four game drives, timed for early mornings and late afternoons when animals are most active, you'll significantly increase your chances of seeing a variety of wildlife."

Are all 3-day safaris from Zanzibar fly-in safaris?

"Yes, a 3-day safari from Zanzibar will involve a flight to the mainland, as Zanzibar itself doesn't offer a true safari experience. While the island has some wildlife parks, they resemble zoos.

The shortest flying option is to Saadani National Park near Dar es Salaam, which you can reach by flight or boat followed by a drive. Most other options, like Nyerere or Mikumi National Parks, require a direct flight to the park.

Most 3-day safaris from Zanzibar are fly-in safaris, where you fly to an airstrip within or near the national park and are then transported to your accommodation."

How much does a 3-day safari from Zanzibar cost?

"For a budget-friendly 3-day safari from Zanzibar, consider a camping trip to Saadani National Park, costing around $200 to $250 per person per day. This typically includes transfers, park fees, accommodation, food, some drinks, a guide, and game drives. You might be expected to help with some camp chores.

For a more luxurious experience in parks like Nyerere or Mikumi, prices start at $400 per person per day and can rise significantly for high-end accommodations. Safaris to northern parks may be even more expensive due to additional flight costs."

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