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Things to do in Kenya

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

Wildlife watching
Wildlife watching

Kenya, situated in the eastern part of East Africa, stands as a renowned destination celebrated for its captivating safaris set against the backdrop of diverse and untamed wilderness. The country boasts an array of picturesque sandy beaches along its coast, adding an extra layer of allure to its tourism appeal. This combination of spectacular safaris and idyllic coastal landscapes creates a diverse range of tourist destinations within Kenya.

The dazzling safaris in Kenya take adventurers on a journey through the country's national parks and reserves, providing unparalleled opportunities to witness the richness of its wildlife. From the iconic Maasai Mara with its annual wildebeest migration to the majestic Amboseli with its views of Mount Kilimanjaro, Kenya's wilderness is a playground for nature enthusiasts.

On the coastal front, Kenya's sandy beaches offer a serene escape with the Indian Ocean providing a stunning backdrop. Destinations like Diani Beach and Watamu attract visitors seeking both relaxation and water-based activities. The vibrant marine life, coral reefs, and palm-fringed shores contribute to the coastal charm that complements Kenya's safari experiences.

In essence, Kenya's allure lies in its ability to offer a diverse range of tourist destinations, seamlessly blending the thrill of wilderness safaris with the tranquility of its coastal retreats, making it a compelling and multifaceted travel destination.

The great wildebeest’s migration

The great wildebeest migration stands as one of Africa's seven natural wonders, showcasing the extraordinary spectacle of tens of thousands of wildebeests and other animals embarking on a remarkable journey to the Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya. Regarded as the world's largest mammal migration, this awe-inspiring phenomenon captures the essence of nature's grandeur and the resilience of wildlife.

The migration, which typically spans the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Masai Mara in Kenya, is characterized by the relentless movement of wildebeests, zebras, and other herbivores in search of greener pastures and water sources. The river crossings, where the migrating herds navigate treacherous waters, are particularly dramatic and draw travelers and wildlife enthusiasts from around the globe.

This natural spectacle not only emphasizes the interconnectedness of ecosystems but also serves as a testament to the incredible adaptability and instinctive behaviors of the animal kingdom. The great wildebeest migration is a profound illustration of the harmonious dance of life in the untamed landscapes of East Africa.

The great wildebeest’s migration
The great wildebeest’s migration

Wildlife watching

Tourists flock to Africa for the unparalleled opportunity to explore the wilderness and encounter its diverse wildlife, and Kenya stands out as a prime destination boasting Africa's renowned "Big Five." Spread across numerous national parks and game reserves, these iconic animals contribute to the allure of Kenya's wildlife safaris. Among the impressive array of wildlife, visitors can expect to encounter elephants, lions, leopards, cheetahs, buffalos, hyenas, and a myriad of other captivating species. Kenya's commitment to wildlife conservation and the preservation of natural habitats enhances the chances of witnessing these majestic creatures in their natural environment, creating an unforgettable and immersive safari experience for every wildlife enthusiast.

Mount Kenya

Mount Kenya, standing as the highest mountain in Kenya and the second-highest free-standing mountain in Africa after Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, is a majestic peak that attracts adventurers and mountain enthusiasts alike. Not only does it offer a challenging and rewarding climbing experience, but it also provides some of the best views of Mount Kilimanjaro. The unique vantage points from Mount Kenya's slopes offer breathtaking perspectives of the iconic Kilimanjaro in neighboring Tanzania.

For mountain climbers, Mount Kenya presents excellent opportunities for hiking and climbing, with various routes catering to different skill levels. The mountain's diverse landscapes, from lush forests to alpine meadows, add to the allure of the climbing experience. Point Lenana, one of Mount Kenya's summits, is a popular destination for trekkers seeking panoramic views and a sense of accomplishment.

The synergy of challenging climbs and unparalleled vistas makes Mount Kenya a prominent destination for those seeking adventure and natural beauty in the heart of East Africa.

The Great Rift Valley

Undoubtedly, one of the most remarkable features in Kenya is the Great Rift Valley, offering breathtaking views that encompass lakes, landscapes, wildlife, and much more. This geological wonder, stretching across East Africa, unfolds a tapestry of natural beauty and diversity that captivates visitors.

The panoramic vistas from the Great Rift Valley reveal a series of stunning lakes, including Lake Naivasha, Lake Nakuru, and Lake Bogoria, each with its unique charm and ecological significance. The landscapes that unfold along the valley showcase a varied terrain, from escarpments and cliffs to vast plains and lush vegetation.

Beyond the visual splendor, the Great Rift Valley is a haven for wildlife, providing habitats for an array of species. The escarpments and surrounding areas are often dotted with wildlife, creating opportunities for memorable encounters with nature.

The Great Rift Valley
The Great Rift Valley

In essence, the Great Rift Valley stands as a testament to the geological wonders of East Africa, offering visitors an immersive experience that combines awe-inspiring views, diverse ecosystems, and the captivating presence of wildlife.

Visit the Mara River

The formidable Mara River plays host to one of nature's most dramatic spectacles as thousands of wildebeests undertake a perilous journey across its waters. This natural spectacle, synonymous with the great wildebeest migration, is a test of survival where only the fittest endure. However, the river is not only a challenging crossing for the migrating herds but also a treacherous setting where the circle of life unfolds in a captivating yet brutal manner.

The Mara River is home to lurking crocodiles, patiently awaiting the arrival of unsuspecting prey. As the wildebeests plunge into the water, these formidable predators seize the opportunity to secure a meal. Additionally, on the riverbanks, lions and other predators lie in wait, strategically positioning themselves to capitalize on the vulnerability of the migrating herds.

This dynamic interplay of prey and predator along the Mara River encapsulates the raw and untamed essence of the natural world. It serves as a testament to the challenges faced by wildlife in their quest for survival, adding layers of complexity and intensity to the already awe-inspiring saga of the great wildebeest migration.

Explore Nairobi City.

Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, is a vibrant hub offering a myriad of experiences for visitors. Beyond being a bustling metropolis, Nairobi provides opportunities to engage with culture, savor African cuisine, and even witness wildlife without venturing far from the city center.

For those seeking a taste of Kenya's rich cultural heritage, Nairobi serves as a cultural melting pot. Visitors can explore traditional markets, art galleries, and museums that showcase the country's history and artistic expressions. The city's diverse culinary scene offers a chance to indulge in authentic African dishes, providing a flavorful journey through local cuisines.

Nairobi National Park, situated on the outskirts of the city, stands as a unique wildlife sanctuary. This park allows urban dwellers and tourists alike to witness a variety of wildlife, including iconic African species, against the backdrop of Nairobi's skyline. The proximity of the park to the city center makes it a convenient option for those with limited time or those who prefer not to travel to more remote reserves.

In essence, Nairobi encapsulates the dynamic blend of urban sophistication and natural wonders, offering a multifaceted experience for those exploring Kenya's capital.

Visit Gedi Ruins

Gedi is a historical town nestled within the tropical forests along the coast of Kenya. This hidden gem carries the echoes of a bygone era, offering a glimpse into the rich history and cultural heritage of the region. Shrouded by lush greenery, Gedi holds the remnants of ancient structures, ruins, and artifacts that tell the tale of its past.

The town is characterized by its archaeological significance, with well-preserved ruins that include intricate Swahili architecture, a mosque, a palace, and houses. These remnants hint at Gedi's former glory as a thriving Swahili-Arab coastal settlement.

Surrounded by the vibrant flora of the tropical forests, Gedi provides a unique and atmospheric setting for visitors eager to explore the historical layers of the Kenyan coast. The mysterious allure of Gedi lies in its ability to transport visitors back in time, offering a tangible connection to the cultural and historical roots of the coastal region.

Gedi Ruins
Gedi Ruins

Cultural Activities.

Kenya, like many African countries, is a tapestry of diverse ethnic groups, each contributing a unique and rich cultural heritage. Exploring Kenya offers a journey into the traditions, customs, and histories of these varied communities.

Visiting the Maasai people is a cultural immersion into one of Kenya's iconic and distinctive communities. The Maasai are known for their vibrant red attire, intricate beadwork, and traditional dances. A visit to a Maasai village provides a firsthand experience of their nomadic lifestyle, deep connection to nature, and the preservation of age-old customs.

Lamu town stands as a cultural crossroads with a captivating history. This coastal town, characterized by its narrow winding streets, intricately carved doors, and Swahili architecture, has been shaped by a fusion of influences, including Portuguese, Arab traders, and various African tribes. Lamu's fascinating history is reflected in its unique cultural tapestry, evident in its festivals, traditional dhow races, and Swahili architecture.

Exploring these cultural facets allows visitors to appreciate the diversity within Kenya, unveiling the threads that weave together the nation's cultural fabric. Each encounter with different ethnic groups offers a window into the traditions and ways of life that make Kenya a captivating mosaic of cultures.

Visit Hells gate national park

Hell's Gate National Park in Kenya is renowned for its stunning rock formations, providing a unique and accessible opportunity for visitors to explore nature's geological wonders. Unlike many other national parks, Hell's Gate allows for self-guided exploration on foot or by bicycle, creating an immersive and hands-on experience for nature enthusiasts.

The park's striking landscapes, characterized by towering cliffs, gorge formations, and volcanic rock formations, create a picturesque backdrop for adventure. Visitors can embark on walking or biking trails that wind through this captivating terrain, offering an up-close encounter with the park's natural beauty. The ability to explore at your own pace enhances the sense of connection with the environment, allowing for a more intimate experience with the sceneries.

The sceneries within Hell's Gate National Park are not only beautiful but also incredibly diverse. From the dramatic cliffs of Fischer's Tower to the scenic gorges and hot springs, each turn in the trail unveils a new facet of the park's geological and natural wonders. Hell's Gate provides a unique opportunity for outdoor enthusiasts to engage with Kenya's landscapes in a dynamic and unrestricted manner, fostering a deeper appreciation for the country's natural heritage.

Giraffe Manor

Encountering the endangered Rothschild giraffe at The Manor is an extraordinary and unforgettable life experience. Situated approximately 20 kilometers from Nairobi, The Manor offers a unique opportunity for guests to interact with these majestic creatures in a remarkable setting.

At The Manor, the intimate connection between guests and giraffes is truly special. Imagine having breakfast in the sun room, surrounded by the elegant ambiance of the manor, and being greeted by the gentle presence of Rothschild giraffes just beyond the wide windows. This close encounter allows for an up-close and personal experience with these endangered creatures, creating a magical and immersive atmosphere.

Giraffe Manor
Giraffe Manor

One of the highlights of this exceptional experience is the chance to feed the giraffes, fostering a deeper connection with these remarkable animals. The Manor's commitment to wildlife conservation and providing guests with a unique and ethereal encounter with nature adds a layer of purpose and significance to this enchanting experience.

Fort Jesus in Mombasa

Mombasa, a coastal gem in Kenya, stands out as one of the country's premier tourist destinations, boasting serene holiday beaches and captivating historical sites. Among the notable historical landmarks in Mombasa, Fort Jesus takes center stage. Built in the 16th century, this fort has earned recognition from UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, contributing to its significance in Kenya's cultural and historical landscape.

Fort Jesus, with its distinctive architecture and strategic location along the coastline, bears witness to a rich history shaped by Portuguese influence in the region. The fort served various purposes over the centuries, including as a military stronghold, a prison, and a trade center.

Visitors to Fort Jesus can explore its well-preserved structures, including ramparts, battlements, and historical artifacts, providing insight into the challenges and triumphs of the past. The fort's UNESCO designation underscores its cultural importance and contributes to Mombasa's allure as a destination that seamlessly blends natural beauty with a tapestry of historical narratives.

Kenyan coast

Kenya, with its extensive coastline along the Indian Ocean, offers a haven of activities and relaxation at the coast. The pristine beaches are a playground for a variety of leisure pursuits, making it an ideal destination for those seeking both adventure and tranquility.

Activities at the Kenyan coast include snorkeling, providing an opportunity to explore the vibrant underwater world of coral reefs and marine life. Scuba diving enthusiasts can delve into the depths of the Indian Ocean, discovering an array of aquatic wonders. The warm and inviting waters also beckon visitors to indulge in swimming, whether in the gentle waves or more secluded coves.

The sandy beaches, with their powdery texture, offer the perfect setting for relaxation. Visitors can bask in the sparkling African sun, unwind with a good book, or simply appreciate the beauty of the coastal surroundings. The coastal areas of Kenya provide a harmonious blend of thrilling water activities and serene moments on the sun-kissed shores, creating a well-rounded and memorable coastal experience.

The best time to visit Kenya

The best time to visit Kenya depends on the type of experience you are seeking and the specific regions you plan to explore. Kenya has two primary seasons: the dry season and the wet season. Here's a breakdown of the different periods:

1. Dry Season (June to October):

- This is the peak tourist season in Kenya.

- Wildlife viewing is excellent during this time as animals gather around water sources, making them easier to spot.

- The weather is generally dry and cool, making it comfortable for safaris and other outdoor activities.

- This is also the time of the Great Wildebeest Migration in the Maasai Mara, which is a major highlight.

2. Short Rainy Season (November to December):

- This period is considered an "in-between" season.

- There may be short rains, but the landscape is still lush and green.

- Wildlife is still abundant, and it's less crowded compared to the dry season.

3. Long Rainy Season (March to May):

- This is the low season for tourism.

- There are long rains during this period, and some roads may become impassable.

- However, it's a great time for birdwatching as migratory birds are present.

- Accommodations and tours may offer lower prices during this season.


When planning your visit, consider your preferences, the activities you want to engage in, and the specific wildlife events you want to witness. It's also worth noting that different regions of Kenya may have slightly different weather patterns, so it's advisable to check the weather conditions for the specific areas you plan to visit.

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