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tarangire safari

Танзанийское сафари с Занзибара, 4 дня

4-дневное сафари по Танзании из Занзибара

Наш пакет услуг "4-дневное сафари по Танзании с Занзибара" - идеальный выбор для тех, у кого есть свободное время для 4-дневного тура с отправлением с острова Занзибар.

Это 4-дневное сафари начинается и заканчивается на острове Занзибар, что делает его идеальным вариантом для людей, проживающих на острове специй, или тех, кто наслаждается пляжным отдыхом на Занзибаре. Программа включает посещение известных национальных парков на севере Танзании, включая национальный парк озера Маньяра/национальный парк Тарангире, национальный парк Серенгети и кратер Нгоронгоро.

В течение этих четырех дней сафари по Танзании вы можете выбрать один из различных стилей сафари, включая кемпинг, лодж или сафари среднего класса, а также роскошные сафари высокого класса. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нашим экспертом по сафари в Танзании и запросите бесплатное предложение по сафари в желаемом вами стиле путешествия, будь то сафари с кемпингом, лоджией или роскошное сафари с Занзибара

Краткий маршрут

День 1: Перелет с Занзибара в Арушу - Национальный парк Тарангире

День 2: Национальный парк Серенгети

День 3: Заповедная зона Серенгети –Нгоронгоро.

День 4: Кратер Нгоронгоро – Возвращение в город Аруша/Занзибар

Glimpse of what you will experience in this 4 Day tour starting from Zanzibar 
4 day safari from zanzibar

Book this 4 day tour to Tanzania

Our team is always here to help

5 Questions About 4-Day Tanzania Safaris From Zanzibar

What does the itinerary for a 4-day safari from Zanzibar to Tanzania's northern parks look like with Travel Wise Safari?

"What specific activities and destinations are included in a 4-day safari organized by Travel Wise Safari? This comprehensive tour covers iconic sites such as the Serengeti National Park,  where travelers can witness the Great Migration; the Ngorongoro Crater, known for its dense wildlife population; Tarangire National Park, famous for its large elephant herds and ancient baobab trees; and Lake Manyara National Park, renowned for its tree-climbing lions and diverse birdlife.


The itinerary typically includes daily game drives, guided walks, and cultural visits to local Maasai villages."

How much does a 4-day safari from Zanzibar to Tanzania cost with Travel Wise Safari?

"What are the detailed cost estimates for a 4-day safari from Zanzibar with Travel Wise Safari? The costs can vary based on the type of accommodation and level of luxury. Budget options might include basic camping with shared facilities, starting at around $1,200 per person. Mid-range packages, featuring comfortable lodges and tented camps, can range from $1,800 to $2,500 per person. Luxury safaris, offering high-end lodges and personalized services, can start at $3,500 per person.


All packages typically include park entry fees, meals, transportation, and guided tours."

What wildlife can travelers expect to see on a 4-day safari from Zanzibar to Tanzania with Travel Wise Safari?

"Which animals are commonly spotted during a 4-day safari with Travel Wise Safari in Tanzania's renowned national parks? Travelers can expect to see the 'Big Five'—lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinos—especially in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. Additionally, the safari will offer sightings of giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, hippos, crocodiles, and a myriad of bird species. Each park has unique highlights, such as the tree-climbing lions of Lake Manyara and the massive elephant herds in Tarangire."

When is the best time of year for a 4-day safari from Zanzibar to Tanzania with Travel Wise Safari?

"What is the optimal time to embark on a 4-day safari from Zanzibar with Travel Wise Safari to ensure the best wildlife viewing experiences and favorable weather conditions? The best time for a safari in Tanzania's northern parks is during the dry season, from late June to October when animals are easier to spot around water sources. The Great Migration in the Serengeti is best witnessed from June to July and from October to November. The wet season, from November to May, offers lush landscapes and the opportunity to see newborn animals, though some roads may be challenging to navigate."

How do I book a 4-day safari from Zanzibar to Tanzania through Travel Wise Safari?

"What are the necessary steps to book a 4-day safari with Travel Wise Safari? First, decide on the type of safari and budget that suits your needs. Next, contact Travel Wise Safari to discuss available packages and itineraries. They will assist with arranging flights from Zanzibar to the mainland, typically to Arusha or Kilimanjaro International Airport. Ensure you understand what is included in the tour package, such as accommodation, meals, park fees, and activities. Finally, confirm your booking and make the necessary payments. Travel Wise Safari will provide detailed travel plans and tips for your adventure."

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