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4 Day tanzania safari

4 jours Forfait Safari en Tanzanie

Itinéraire et prix du safari en Tanzanie de 4 jours

Embarquez pour un safari inoubliable de 4 jours en Tanzanie, en vous immergeant dans les paysages à couper le souffle et la riche faune du parc national de Tarangire, du parc national du Serengeti et de l'impressionnant cratère du Ngorongoro. Cette expérience de safari offre une flexibilité, vous permettant de choisir parmi un hébergement économique, milieu de gamme ou luxueux, adapté à vos préférences et considérations budgétaires. En parcourant les parcs emblématiques, admirez le majestueux parc national de Tarangire, qui ressemble à un Serengeti plus petit mais célèbre pour son abondante population d'éléphants.


Explorez le vaste Serengeti, le plus grand et réputé pour accueillir la migration spectaculaire de plus d'un million de gnous et de 250 000 zèbres. L'aventure culmine dans le cratère du Ngorongoro, un point culminant avec des paysages époustouflants et une vue surréaliste du cratère, où la faune prospère au fond du cratère, offrant une expérience de safari sans précédent.


Que vous soyez captivé par la grandeur de la nature ou que vous recherchiez des rencontres rapprochées avec une faune diversifiée, ce safari en Tanzanie de 4 jours promet un voyage extraordinaire et personnalisable à travers les merveilles des célèbres parcs nationaux du nord de la Tanzanie.

Highlights of 4 Day tour in Tanzania

Day 1 - Arusha/Zanzibar to Tarangire National Park 

Day 2 - Tarangire to Serengeti National Park 

Day 3 - Serengeti to Ngorongoro Area

Day 4 - Ngorongoro Crater full game drive 

Caractéristiques de la visite

Peut être personnalisé

Hébergement sympa

Peut démarrer n'importe quel jour

Adapté à tout âge

4 day tanzania safari quote

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4 Questions About 4-Day Tanzania Safaris

Is a 4 day trip to Tanzania too short?

When planning a 4-day safari in Tanzania, it's important to consider adding a day or two to the itinerary if possible. Settling into the safari routine and traveling to, from, and between the parks can take up valuable time. However, if budget or time constraints are in place, a 4-day trip can still offer a great experience. It provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in the safari atmosphere and get a taste of the wildlife. It's important to be realistic about what can be achieved in a short time and to avoid trying to fit too much into the schedule.


Quality is more important than quantity, so visiting fewer parks allows for more time on game drives and better wildlife sightings.

What can I fit in during a 4-day safari in Tanzania?

"Consider the following options when planning your safari in Tanzania. To avoid moving lodge or campsite every day, I suggest spending all three nights in one location or splitting them across two locations. In the Northern safari circuit, you can easily fit two parks in a 4-day tour, such as a visit to the famous Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Crater. Additionally, Lake Manyara and Tarangire National Parks are close to Arusha National Park and can be combined with a visit to the Ngorongoro Crater in a 4-day safari.


It's also possible to visit Lake Manyara, Serengeti, and the Ngorongoro Crater in a 4-day safari, but be aware that it involves covering quite a bit of distance. Visiting all four of the Northern circuit parks in 4 days is just about possible, but not recommended.


Alternatively, a 4-day safari can be arranged to visit southern Tanzania. Either Nyerere National Park (formerly Selous Game Reserve) or Ruaha National Park can be visited on its own as a stand-alone fly-in safari from Dar es Salaam or Zanzibar. Another option is to drive to Nyerere and visit Mikumi National Park en route."

What kind of accommodation can I expect?

When planning a safari in Tanzania, there are various accommodation options to consider. For a budget-friendly 4-day safari, you might want to explore a camping tour. Camping is not only the most economical choice but also often allows you to stay at prime locations within the park.


If you aim to control costs while avoiding the rustic nature of camping, you can opt for a budget lodge tour. These tours offer basic accommodations, often located outside the parks, but there are also some hidden gems within the parks. In any case, most budget lodges serve as excellent bases for game drives.


There is a wide range of mid-range lodges and hotels inside the parks and reserves, which typically consist of larger hotels or smaller tented camps.


For those seeking a more luxurious safari experience, tours with higher-quality accommodations are available, often accompanied by a fly-in safari. At the top end of the spectrum are the small, exclusive luxury boutique lodges that provide personalized service, fine dining, and exceptional guiding. There are also some more rustic options in this category, including vintage-style tented camps offering an experience reminiscent of colonial times.

How much does a 4-day safari cost in Tanzania?

"It's challenging to determine the exact cost of a 4-day safari in Tanzania. Safari packages vary widely in price, and even the budget options are not inexpensive. You can expect a starting price of around US$1,300 per person for a mid-range lodge tour. Luxury tours are more expensive. Going on an African safari is a fantastic opportunity. Although it may be costly, the once-in-a-lifetime experience is well worth the investment, especially considering that it directly contributes to conservation efforts.


Lodging options range from budget to luxury, with camping being the most budget-friendly choice. This could be appealing to nature enthusiasts seeking an authentic bush experience. The cost also depends on whether you book a private safari or join a group tour.


There are numerous 4-day road safaris available, but sometimes a fly-in safari might be the better option as it saves time. Fly-in safaris typically include luxury accommodation and come at a higher price.


When searching for a good deal, consider traveling in the low season. You might encounter some rainfall, but this is accompanied by fewer crowds, lush landscapes, and the opportunity to see baby animals. It's always a good idea to obtain quotes from different operators."


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